The Citizen and the Constitution District Hearings

The City-Wide Community Center in Concord came alive with Constitutional debate in the form of “Mock Congressional Hearings” Friday, December 2, 2022, as “Hollis-Brookline, John Stark Regional and Milford High Schools displayed their knowledge of the Constitution and Bill of Rights before members of the Bench and Bar acting as judges in the first of two culminating events of the We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution program. This awe-inspiring event leads up to the State Finals held Friday, January 6, 2023, to determine which group of students will have the opportunity to travel to our nation’s capital for National Finals in the spring. An awards ceremony held to recognize each Constitutional Athlete individually and as groups for Excellence in each of six units of study was directed by Attorney Howard J. Zibel and Law Related Education Committee Chair, Attorney Jennifer A. Eber. Awards of excellence went to Milford High School for Units 1-4, Unit 5 was awarded to John Stark High Regional High School, and Unit 6 was awarded to Hollis-Brookline High School. “Congratulations to the students and their teachers!” Thank you to each participating member of the NHBA for your ongoing “volunteer spirit” and support of the We the People program.