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Board of Governors’ Election
Board of Governors Election Starts April 1
Online balloting will begin April 1 and conclude April 15. An email containing your personalized ballot link will be sent from Intelliscan on April 1. Members who have not voted by April 7 will receive an email reminder.
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If you did not receive a ballot or need assistance, please contact Andrew Arbitell with Intelliscan at aarbitell@intelliscaninc.com or 610-935-6172.
Derek D. Lick: Nomination by Board of Governors
I humbly ask for your vote for President-Elect of the Bar Association, as I remain committed to serving you and the profession by supporting this critical organization.
This past year I have been honored to serve as Vice President of the Bar, and I’ve greatly enjoyed getting to talk with many of you about the state of our profession and how the Bar can better help all of us. I would like to continue those discussions and work toward addressing your concerns. For example, I’ve heard about the difficulty in recruiting new attorneys and other professional staff to our State to help us support our clients’ needs. I’ve heard about the necessity of supporting the Courts to secure sufficient resources to ensure speedy access to justice. I’ve also heard about fostering fellowship and civility among the Bar members in the age of remote work and Webex court proceedings. These issues deserve our attention.

For more than a decade I have volunteered for the Bar Association’s Committee on Cooperation with the Courts, which is charged with fostering communication and cooperation between the bench and the bar. In that role, I have witnessed first-hand the pressing issues facing both those of us who advocate for our clients before the Courts and those in the Judicial Branch who must ultimately make the tough decisions in litigated matters. Additionally, I serve on the New Hampshire Supreme Court’s Advisory Committee on the Rules, having first been appointed by the Bar and then by the New Hampshire Supreme Court. There I have attempted to provide helpful input on rules that govern our practice, including expanding IOLTA account access to innovative “sweep” accounts that allow attorneys and their firms to leverage additional federal deposit insurance.
I am a director and shareholder of Orr & Reno, P.A. in Concord, where I practice in litigation, focusing of late mostly on land use and planning, construction and real estate disputes, and commercial litigation. Outside of work, I serve as the Moderator for the Town of Sutton and for the Kearsarge Regional School District in the Lake Sunapee/Kearsarge area of the State. I also serve as Chair of the Sutton Zoning Board, as a member of the Board of Trustees of my local bank, Sugar River Bank, and as a member of the Board of the Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail and Plan NH. Previously, I served on the Board of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen and on the Kearsarge Area Council on Aging, the non-profit organization that operates a senior center serving nine towns in the Mt. Kearsarge area.
I reside in Sutton with my wife, Debbie, and my daughter, Sophie, with my three older children attending or having just graduated college.
Robert R. Lucic: Nomination by Petition for One-Year Term
Vice President
Bob has over 35 years of extensive complex commercial litigation experience throughout the United States including administrative agency proceedings, arbitrations, jury trials, and appellate practice involving both multi-national corporations and small businesses. Bob serves a wide range of manufacturing clients, including robotics aerospace, defense and high-tech companies as well as national, state and municipal governments. He regularly counsels clients on intellectual property and antitrust compliance issues. Bob’s practice focus includes patent and trade secret litigation; environmental litigation; stockholder and partnership disputes; and investor disputes. He also provides strategic counseling to industrial clients and small businesses. Bob served for six years as the Chair of the Firm’s Litigation Department. He also served as President of the Board of the Squam Lakes Association. Bob serves as an At-Large Member of the New Hampshire Bar Association Board of Governors and is currently co-chair of the Committee on Cooperation with the Courts and chair of the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence. He is also active in the Massachusetts Federal Bar Association.

Bob joined Sheehan Phinney in 1991 after practicing at White & Case New York City. He graduated from Dartmouth College and received his J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School. He also speaks German and French.
Bob is Sheehan Phinney’s liaison with Lex Mundi, the world’s leading association of independent law firms. He served as Regional Vice Chair for North America of the Litigation, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Practice Group and was world-wide chair for the Environmental Practice Group.
As a member of the Board of Governors, I am constantly impressed by the dedication and hard work of the Bar leadership, the Governors and the staff of the New Hampshire Bar Association. We have a real gift to be able to practice our profession in what is still the most collegial Bar in the United States. But it is a gift that requires ongoing care and tending. I hope that I can bring the experience of my 35 years as a lawyer and member of the New Hampshire community to the Bar leadership. I will do my best to keep New Hampshire the best place in the world to practice law.
Catherine E. Shanelaris: Nomination by Petition for Three-Year Term
Cathy is a founding member and partner with Shanelaris Schirch & Warburton, PLLC in Nashua, NH. She received her B.A. in political science from the University of New Hampshire at Durham and her J.D. from the University of New Hampshire School of Law in 1992. Cathy is a member of the New Hampshire Bar Association, Nashua Bar Association and Women’s Bar Association. She was formerly the chief staff attorney for the New Hampshire Division of Child Support Services. Cathy practices law in the domestic relations area including divorce, child support, parenting, and guardianship matters. She is a trained marital mediator. She is a member of the New Hampshire Bar Association’s Family Law Section. Cathy is the former Hillsborough County-South representative for the New Hampshire Women’s Bar Association. She was appointed by the New Hampshire Supreme Court to the Access to Justice Commission and the New Hampshire Commission on the New Hampshire Bar in the Twenty-First Century. She is the current Governor-at-Large for the New Hampshire Bar Association’s Board of Governors. Cathy was appointed by the Governor to the New Hampshire Board of Psychologists as its public board member. She is a New Hampshire Bar Foundation Fellow. Cathy is a frequent lecturer on family law topics at continuing legal education programs and the author of several legal articles relating to family law issues.

I have been a Governor-at-Large for the last term on the New Hampshire Bar Association Board of Governors. It has been an amazing experience to be involved at the governance level of the Bar Association. I am interested in continuing to represent the interests and needs of the members of our Bar Association as Secretary. I take very seriously my obligations as a Board member to make decisions in the best interests of the membership. I would be grateful and honored to continue my work as a governor in the Secretary position to bring the needs and concerns of the members to the Board and to serve in an executive position on the Board. As one of its very important tasks, the Board of Governors sets the strategic direction of the Association. I am dedicated to working collaboratively with the other Board members and Bar leadership to ensure that our Bar Association understands the challenges, needs and opportunities for our members as we move forward, especially in light of the challenges we face in practicing law in the twenty-first century.
Geoffrey M. Gallagher: Nomination by Petition for Three-Year Term
I ask for your consideration and vote for Treasurer as I am committed to bettering our profession and serving its members and the public.
To tell you a little about myself, I graduated from Boston College in 2003 and received a degree in social psychology. In 2006, I received a Masters of Arts from Boston College in social psychology with a concentration in affective neuroscience. I graduated from UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law, formerly Franklin Pierce Law Center, in 2013. I live in Concord, New Hampshire, with my beautiful wife, Anna Gallagher.
While in graduate school, I managed a bowling alley in Davis Square in Somerville Massachusetts. After graduate school, I managed group homes for dual-diagnosed individuals. As a lawyer, I have practiced in both the public sector, as a prosecutor, and private sector, as an associate for Gardner Fulton & Waugh, PLLC and Sulloway & Hollis, PLLC. I am currently privileged to work for the City of Concord. Throughout my career, I have handled a variety of different types of cases in the Superior Court, the Circuit Court, and the New Hampshire Federal District Court.

I am dedicated to public service and hard work. To that end, I have served as a member of the New Hampshire Bar Association’s Ethics Committee since 2013 and am the current vice-chair. I also serve as a bar examiner for the New Hampshire Board of Bar Examiners. Additionally, I have previously served as the Sullivan County Bar Governor.
Throughout my career, I have seen the challenges that New Hampshire lawyers face in serving their clients. If elected Treasurer, I will work to help the New Hampshire Bar Association deliver on its promise to improve the administration of justice and maintain the high standards of practice in our State. Thank you for your consideration.
Christine M. Hanisco: Nomination by Petition for a Three-Year Term
I am running for a second term as Governor-At Large to continue to provide a voice for small firm and solo attorneys on the Board and would appreciate your vote. Altogether I have served five years on the Board and have found it to be a rewarding experience and I believe have contributed in a positive way by asking tough questions, serving on subcommittees, and prioritizing my attendance at meetings. My years as a public servant, combined with my experience in a small firm, and now as a solo, allow me to have a keen understanding of the needs of a majority of our members.

I have been an attorney since 2000 (New York Law School) and returned to New Hampshire in 2002 after initially clerking and practicing in Massachusetts. I started my career in public service (DRC and NH Public Defender) and in 2015 joined a small law firm in Concord. In February of this year, I opened my own law firm, Life Stages Law, where I continue to focus my practice on third party family building through adoption and assisted reproductive technology (ART), as well as estate planning for young families.
Since 2018 I have worked with several groups including GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders and Resolve New England to draft and advocate for several pieces of legislation to provide equal access to our courts relative to parentage and fertility insurance coverage. I am an active member of the NH Women’s Bar Association, the NHBA’s Family Law Section, the ABA’s Assisted Reproductive Technology Committee, and the Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy, as well as the Chair of its Grievance Committee. I also am serving my final term as Vice President of Resolve New England’s Board of Directors, which is a regional nonprofit that provides advocacy, support, and education to those with infertility.
Steven J. Dutton: Nomination by Petition for a Three-Year Term
Steven J. Dutton is a director in the litigation department at McLane Middleton, Professional Association in Manchester. Steve focuses his trial practice on commercial matters, including contract claims, corporate governance and shareholder disputes, tax matters, and real estate issues.
Steve is a member of the New Hampshire Bar Association’s Federal Practice, Business Litigation and Appellate Law section. He is a member of the Executive Committee for the Manchester Bar Association and served as its President in 2018-2019. Steve is a member of the 2019 Class of the Leadership New Hampshire program and a member of the Union Leader’s 2015 Class of 40 Under Forty.

Steve is a native of Londonderry, New Hampshire, and a graduate of Londonderry High School. Steve resides in Goffstown, New Hampshire, where, among other community service, he serves a member of the Granite YMCA’s Board of Directors and is chair of the Advisory Board for the Granite YMCA of Goffstown and was previously chair of Goffstown School Board. He was admitted to the New Hampshire Bar in 2005, received his law degree from Brooklyn Law School, and is a graduate of Bates College.
I am running for election for the New Hampshire Bar Association’s Governor-At-Large role because I am committed to making the Bar Association a productive organization for all attorneys so that we can meet the challenges facing the legal profession now and in the future. As a member of the New Hampshire Board for the past eighteen years, I have had the opportunity to observe first-hand the value of a strong, collegial, and unified Bar Association. I would like to continue to maintain and improve member support from the Bar Association. I welcome the opportunity to serve my colleagues and contribute to the important work of the NHBA.
Nikolas K. Frye: Nomination by Petition for Three-Year Term
Public Sector Governor
Nikolas K. Frye was born and raised in New Hampshire and completed his Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Michigan- Ann Arbor in 2006; Master of Arts in history at the University of Georgia – Athens in 2009; and his juris doctorate at New England Law Boston in 2012. Nikolas has held an active New Hampshire bar license and inactive Massachusetts bar license since the fall of 2012.
After law school, Nikolas worked part-time at Plymouth Law Center and for a municipal prosecutor in Plymouth, New Hampshire from 2012 to 2013. Next, he worked in general practice in the North Country and the Plymouth area at Samaha Russell Hodgdon PA from the summer of 2013 until February of 2019. Nikolas became a full-time associate at Samaha Russell Hodgdon PA beginning in January of 2014. Following his time in private practice, he worked as an attorney for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Children Youth and Families from February of 2019 until October of 2021. Since October of 2021, Nikolas has served as Hearings Examiner for the New Hampshire Office of Professional Licensure and Certification where he presides in disciplinary and application proceedings for approximately 57 state licensing boards.

Outside of his profession, Nikolas is lucky to have a wonderful family consisting of his wife Michelle (an attorney with the New Hampshire Insurance Department) and two small sons. Before leaving the Plymouth area, Nikolas served on the Campton Elementary School from April of 2019 to April of 2021 and the Village Pond Condominium Association Board from 2016 to 2020. He is a member of Concord Rotary and is an avid hiker who has completed all the New Hampshire 4000 footers (though his current hiking endeavors are limited in scope and elevation gain by his ability to carry his toddler on his back as needed).
Nikolas views being elected to serve as the Public Sector Governor as an opportunity to give back to the profession and public. He intends to advocate for positions that will improve the legal system and access to justice for the public; the bar for its members; and the public sector for those attorneys in public service.
Gar Y. Chiang: Nomination by Petition for Three-Year Term
Out of State Governor
I have been a member of the New Hampshire Bar Association since 2017 and am a practicing attorney in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. I have attended all the Mid-year and most of Annual meetings because I enjoy meeting the people, attending instructive programs and receiving inspiring presentations. In 2022, I was part of the Leadership Academy, for which provided me exposure and interaction with other NH lawyers, judges, court staff, legislative representatives, media professionals and the diligent staff of our association. All of that led to my interest to be a candidate for the Out of State Governor of the Board of Governors. I would like to take a more active role in my bar association and use what I have learned in my journey to becoming a legal professional.

At the age of 15, I emigrated with my family to the United States. After graduating from English High School, and University of Massachusetts in Boston, I went on to attend and received my Master of Fine Arts from Columbia University in New York, to pursue a career in arts and entertainment. Upon graduation I worked in management at several high-profile arts and entertainment organizations including Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center for the performing Arts, Channel Seven of Australia, and later on as the Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Stadium, the venue that hosted the Rugby World Cup Sevens. After a couple of decades working in different cities, states, and countries, I have decided to come back to Boston, to be closer to my family and live in the beautiful New England area where the four seasons blossom and also the country that gave me the education and opportunities.
I am living in New England by choice. It has been twelve years of working full time as an attorney in Massachusetts and six in New Hampshire. As a sole proprietor in general practice, I get to listen to many interesting stories from people from all walks of life. Most importantly, I can use my experience of living and working in different part of America and Asia to help my clients.
As a member of the Board of Governors, I hope to bring my diverse background, experience and interest to the meetings and contribute to our organization in its continuous great work. I look forward to receiving your support of my candidacy.
County Governors
William D. Woodbury: Nomination by Petition for a Two-Year Term
Belknap County Governor
I grew up in Dover, New Hampshire, and, with the exception of my time at Syracuse University College of Law, I have lived in New Hampshire all my life. I feel very fortunate to have found Normandin, Cheney & O’Neil, PLLC, Laconia, upon graduating law school and I have practiced in our litigation division ever since. As the candidate for Belknap County Governor, I will bring a sound knowledge and understanding of the issues faced by attorneys practicing in the region.
As a general practice litigator, I have had the great pleasure of working with many New Hampshire attorneys on a wide variety of issues, ranging from Family Law and Domestic Violence cases to Construction and Land Use litigation. I believe I have built a reputation as a lawyer who seeks to diligently represent clients while working collaboratively and productively with opposing counsel. Having served on the Board of Governors for New Hampshire Association for Justice since 2006, and as its Legislative Committee Chair since 2011, I will bring many years of experience working with the New Hampshire legal community and state legislature to protect access to justice. I am proud to be a New Hampshire attorney and would be proud to serve as the Belknap County Governor for the New Hampshire Bar Association’s Board of Governors. I thank you for considering my Petition.

Co-Managing Member, Normandin, Cheney & O’Neil, PLLC; B.S. Microbiology, University of New Hampshire, 1995; J.D. Syracuse University College of Law, 2003; Admitted to New Hampshire Bar, 2004; Governor at Large, Past President and Legislative Committee Chair, New Hampshire Association for Justice; Member, Belknap County Bar Association.
John M. (Jake) Crabbs : Nomination by Petition for a Two-Year Term
Carroll County Governor
One summer day in my youth, my parents—both lawyers—dragged me and my sisters to a picnic hosted by their County Bar Association. The only thing that I really remember was that a popular attorney (who later became an unpopular judge) performed a magic routine for the children. It is my earliest memory of sleight of hand, but the picnic left an impression for another reason. Even at that age, I understood that the work of lawyers was adversarial. Still, the members of the Bar could come together and genuinely enjoy each other’s company. That realization stuck with me.
Many years later—after I’d played some tournament croquet, circumnavigated the globe, and taught English in the Far East—I moved to Chicago to attend law school. My plan was to get my degree and get out. But after I graduated, I secured a series of judicial clerkships with trial and appellate judges, as well as an adjunct professorship at my alma mater. My wife—from Bartlett—patiently stayed in the big city with me, all the while extolling the virtues of Northern New Hampshire. Eventually, she prevailed, and we left the City of Broad Shoulders for the Mount Washington Valley. As ever, my wife was right.

In the years since I moved to Carroll County and joined Cooper Cargill Chant, I have been blessed with the opportunity to give back to the community in a number of ways. I have taken on several pro bono and court-appointed matters. I also serve as school board moderator for my town and as a member of my local library’s board of directors. I look forward to serving the attorneys practicing in Carroll County by doing my part to help the NHBA achieve its mission to improve the administration of justice, to safeguard the professional interests of its members, and to encourage cordial relations among members of the Bar. I thank you for your vote.
Associate, Cooper Cargill Chant, PA; J.D. The John Marshall Law School (now UIC Law School), Summa Cum Laude 2016; B.A. St. John’s College, Annapolis; admitted to N.H. Bar, 2022; admitted to Illinois Bar, 2016; member, NHBA New Lawyers Committee; member, Pope Memorial Library Board of Directors, school board moderator, Eaton, New Hampshire.
Leonard D. Harden : Nomination by Petition for a Two-Year Term
Coos County Governor
Len Harden is sole practitioner located in Northern New Hampshire, primarily serving Coos County and Northern Grafton County. Len is a trial lawyer with offices in Coos and Grafton County. He has been helping people facing all levels of criminal charges for over 30 years.
Len has been a frequent presenter and coordinator for many CLEs in NH and nationally. He enjoys sharing information and teaching others. He has extensive training and certifications on field sobriety testing, forensic science, chemistry, trial advocacy and trial experience.
Len is proud to be the first in his family to graduate with a college degree. He obtained a degree with honors from Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada and then a law degree from Franklin Pierce Law Center (Now known as University of New Hampshire).

Len’s entire career has been spent defending citizens that are accused of crimes. He began working in NH with Thomas A. Rappa in Woodsville, NH and then moved further north to manage Sisti & Twomey’s Lancaster Office and he has been on his own based out of Lancaster since 2003.
This is Len’s second stint on the Board of Governor’s representing Coos County. He loves living and working in northern New England and enjoys each and every season to the fullest extent possible.
He looks forward to working with others from across the state to help elevate professionalism, collegiality and the quality of life for all lawyers in the state. He wants to share his competitive, positive attitude and bring a high degree of energy to the NHBA Board of Governors.
Anthony Naro: Nomination by Petition for a Two-Year Term
Hillsborough South Governor
Tony Naro is a criminal defense and domestic relations attorney in private practice at Bernazzani Law, PLLC in Nashua, NH. Prior to entering private practice, he was a public defender for over a decade, working as a trial attorney in Rockingham County, Hillsborough County, and as an Assistant Appellate Defender in Concord. Tony handles misdemeanors and felonies, including assaults, sex crimes, drug case, and DUI offenses. He has argued cases before the New Hampshire Supreme Court, tried dozens of cases before juries across the State, and appears in all ten New Hampshire counties. Tony’s domestic relations practice includes divorce, parenting, child support, restraining order, and guardianship matters in the Family Division. He is also proud of a strong pro bono practice and regularly volunteers for the DOVE Project and 603 Legal. Tony also volunteers his time on the Board of Directors for the New Hampshire Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys and Friends of New Hampshire Drug Courts and is a member of the Hearings Committee for New Hampshire’s Attorney Discipline System. Tony earned his B.A. from the University of Massachusetts – Boston in political science and Africana studies. He earned his law degree from Suffolk University Law School in 2008 where he graduated with high honors.

Kyle D. Robidas: Nomination by Petition for a Two-Year Term
Hillsborough North Governor
Kyle Robidas is the Director of Professional Development at the New Hampshire Public Defender. Kyle works out of the Manchester office, where he started as a staff attorney in 2013. Kyle’s commitment to public service and volunteer work started first in his hometown of Colebrook and grew during his time at Norwich University. Kyle’s passion for trial work began at The University of New Hampshire School of Law, where he discovered indigent defense as the perfect combination of public service and zealous advocacy, a great fit for his personality. Not long after he started as a Public Defender, Kyle became a member of local treatment courts in Hillsborough County and is still currently an active member of the Manchester Veterans Court program. In his current role, he continues to enjoy client-centered work, while having the opportunity to interact with attorneys from all over the state. Kyle also volunteers his time as a member of the Advisory Board to the N.H. Supreme Court Steering Committee for Diversity and Inclusion, N.H. Bar Committee on Attorney Wellness, and the N.H. Attorney Discipline Hearings Committee.

I am seeking re-election for a second term to represent the Hillsborough County Northern Judicial District on the NHBA Board of Governors. It has been an incredible experience to better understand and contribute to our legal community. I feel privileged to work on issues important to attorneys in New Hampshire, and I am seeking an opportunity to continue this work. I appreciate your consideration and would be honored to have your support.
Joshua M. Wyatt: Nomination by Petition for a Two-Year Term
Strafford County Governor
Josh Wyatt currently serves as the City Attorney for the City of Dover, New Hampshire, where he has worked since 2019. Prior to working for the City, Josh was a shareholder in the litigation department for the law firm Devine, Millimet, & Branch, where he worked for ten years. Prior to working at Devine, Josh served as a New Hampshire Supreme Court law clerk for the Honorable Justice Gary E. Hicks. Josh is a graduate of the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of law and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In law school, Josh was a member of the first graduating class of the Daniel Webster Scholar Honors Program as well as an intern with the Merrimack County Superior Court. Josh currently lives in Portsmouth, New Hampshire with his wife Erin and two daughters.

Josh Wyatt is asking for your vote as the Strafford County Governor. Josh is the current Strafford County Governor and has filled that role since December 2022, having been appointed to fill the remainder of the term for a vacancy that was created.
Vanessa M. Wilson: Nomination by Petition for a Two-Year Term
Sullivan County Governor
Vanessa M. Wilson was born in New Haven, Connecticut, and raised in a town not too far from there, namely, Guilford. She graduated high school there and obtained a B.S. from the University of Connecticut and a J.D. from New England School of Law in 1983. She became a member of the N.H. Bar shortly thereafter.
Vanessa was in private practice in Sullivan County for 28 years, and then worked for the Cheshire County Attorney’s Office for 3.5 years. She currently works as a Staff Attorney for DCYF in the Claremont office.
Vanessa has served on many Bar committees in the past. Having finally gotten the last of three children off to college, she wanted to become involved again, and was on the Board of Governors early on in her career, back in 1988-1990.

Michael J. Iacopino: Nomination by Petition for a Two-Year Term
ABA Association Delegate
I ask for your vote to continue to serve as the ABA Association Delegate for the New Hampshire Bar Association.
My family came to New Hampshire in 1976. After graduation from the University of New Hampshire and Suffolk Law School I joined the New Hampshire Bar in 1984. I began my practice at the New Hampshire Public Defender Program. For the past 37 years I have practiced at a single law firm in Manchester – Brennan Lenehan.

It has been my privilege over the years to serve our Bar in several positions. In addition to my term of service as ABA Association Delegate, I am the chair of the NHBA Legislation Committee and have served on the Committee on Cooperation with the Courts. Locally, I have served the New Hampshire Criminal Defense Bar. I am a past president and board member of the New Hampshire Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. I have served the Federal Criminal Defense Bar as a Criminal Justice Act Panel Representative and on the CJA Selection Committee.
I have leadership experience in serving national bar associations. I was a member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers for six years and continue to chair two policy committees for NACDL. I also serve on the NACDL Amicus Committee.
These experiences make a strong foundation to serve our Bar as the Association Delegate to the ABA. My door is always open, and my phone line is always available to other lawyers. If re-elected I will endeavor to assure that the common-sense voice of the New Hampshire Bar Association is persuasively presented in the ABA House of Delegates.
For questions or assistance please contact Cindy Roberts