Candor to the tribunal

#2020-21/02 Municipal Representation and Potential Conflicts of Interest

An Attorney who represents a municipal Planning Board and provides advice to the Planning Board on interpreting the Zoning Ordinance in a particular matter, should use extreme caution and carefully evaluate the possibility that a conflict of interest may exist in providing advice to the Zoning Board of Adjustment on the same matter on appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

#2008-09/03 Remedial Measures Under Rule 3.3

Although attorneys are required to maintain strict confidentiality of client information, attorneys are also required to be truthful to the tribunals in which they appear. As a result, there are occasions when attorneys must take steps to remediate statements made to the tribunal on behalf of a client or by a client regardless of potential harm to the client’s interests. If remediation is required, it must be done promptly.