By: Nancy Gross (Website Producer) and Misty Griffith (Member Service Coordinator)
Included in your section membership is access to the corresponding forum. Forums are online discussion sites where members can safely and securely converse with each other via posted messages. Discussions are organized by topic making them easy to browse. Forum users can readily access and search older topics and archives.
How to Enter Section Forum
- Log-in using either the My NHBA Portal or the Member Login, both on the header of every page of the NHBA website.
- Select Forums, again in the header, above the green bar.
- Your forums will appear; select the forum you wish to enter.
- You can only access section forums to which you have paid to belong.
How to Use Section Forums
- Want to post a topic? Scroll below the most recent topics to the Topic Title boxes and name your topic. Type your message in the Topic Box.
- Want to read an entire strand of a topic? Click on the topic title; the entire strand of the conversation will appear as it occurred. You can reply to any of these messages (posts or replies) by clicking on the Reply button, to the far right of the date and time stamp.
- Mark a post as a “favorite” so it is easy to find in the future. The Favorite button is found at the top of each post page.
- Mange your profile to take full advantage of useful features: Click on your name under My Profile on the right. A page with links to all of your Topics, Replies, Favorites and Subscriptions will appear (links to the left).
Using Forums Within Your E-Mail Program
- E-Mails: Unless you have changed your default settings, you will receive an email as each topic or reply is posted to the Forums. To Change the default settings see: Power User Features.
- Replies: You may reply directly through your email and it will be posted to the Forum and sent out to the entire forum.
Any questions on the forums, we welcome you to contact the friendly staff at the Bar Center. Call the member hotline (603) 715-3279 or contact memberservices@nhbar.org. For specific questions pertaining to the technical aspects of forum usage or to join a section, please contact NHBA Sections Coordinator, Dorene Hartford at (603) 715-3257 dhartford@nhbar.org.

Power User Features
- Copy and Paste Successfully: if you want to copy and paste into the forum post box please toggle the tabs from “visual” to “text”. The hidden html that is formatting your copied text, email signature etc. will format correctly only when pasted into the “text” tab.
- Add a tag (subject, descriptor) to your topic so it can be easily searched in the future (behind the firewall of course).
- Manage Incoming E-Mail: If you are receiving too much Forums email, use the subscriptions link to turn off any unwanted Forums or topics. Or use the Unsubscribe link at the top of each post page, next to the black search button.
Flag a Favorite: Users can mark topics as favorites for future reference. Later, favorites can be accessed through your user profile, by clicking on your name