Casemaker and Fastcase have merged.

The Casemaker platform will be discontinued on July 28, 2021. NHBA members will continue to receive the member benefit of free access to legal research offered under the Fastcase brand.

Facecase offers a variety of webinars that will help make the transitions smoother. These include :

  • Transitioning form Casemaker to Fastcase
  • Introduction to Legal Research on Fastcase
  • Introducing Boolean on Fastcase
  • The Docket Sheet: A Docket Research Primer for the Modern Attorney Featuring Docket Alarm

To learn more about legal research with Fastcase sign up for a free webinar today!

FastCase offers a number of shorter video tutorials videos including:

A Mobile App is offered by Fastcase. Support and details can be found here.

If you need help, contact Fastcase customer support (866) 773-2782