Home » NHBA Leadership Academy – Becoming a Participant
NHBA Leadership Academy – Becoming a Participant
Application Information and Instructions
The NHBA Leadership Academy will be accepting applications in late winter 2020.

The NHBA Leadership Academy is nine-months of leadership training and two years of service to the NH Bar. This three year program is to designed to enhance personal development, and build leadership skills through interactive programs. Its mission is:
To promote and encourage leadership and professionalism by identifying present and future leaders who are members of the New Hampshire Bar, and providing them with a program designed to develop leadership skills; to foster camaraderie; and to provide exposure to leaders in the legal, business and government communities.”
Up to eighteen attorney members of the NHBA who have been in practice for at least three years, will be carefully selected for this Academy, with curriculum most meaningful for those in practice less than 10 years. In an effort to achieve diversity among participants, qualified individuals will be sought from different backgrounds, large and small law firms, the private and public sectors, different practice areas, and different geographical parts of the state. Generally, the monthly programs will be four (4) to five (5) hours in duration. There may be potential CLE Credit for certain sessions, but this is not guaranteed, participants will receive CLE credits for Midyear Meeting.