Home » Patriots, Pirates, Politicians & Profit Seekers Vol. 2
Patriots, Pirates, Politicians & Profit Seekers Vol. 2
New Hampshire Cases and the United States Supreme Court Second Edition – 2015
The New Hampshire Bar Association has published a second edition, updated and online, of Patriots, Pirates, Politicians and Profit Seekers, a book examining influential decisions of the United States Supreme Court that originated from New Hampshire cases. The book, originally published in 1996, was written by Joan M. Blanchard and attorney Martin J. Bender. The 2015 revisions, including a teacher’s guide that includes curricular frameworks, standards and activities, was written by Blanchard and the Hon. Kathleen A. McGuire, Robert J. Lamberti, Jr., and Arthur Pease.
Patriots, Pirates, Politicians and Profit Seekers, Second Edition
Download the 121-page book.
Teachers Edition: Frameworks, Standards, Resources & Suggested Activities
Download the 188-page teacher’s guide.

Hard copies of the publication and the accompanying teacher’s guide are available to all NH high school libraries for free. Contact our Law Related Education Coordinator to request a copy.
RGB Defines New Hampshire
RGB Defines New Hampshire
Did You Know? Our Law Related Education publication Patriots, Pirates, Politicians and Profit Seekers includes a discussion of the 2001 opinion authored by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg about the border between Maine and NH. (We think you’ll enjoy the whole publication, but the referenced case starts at page 29).
“Moreover, the consent decree was clear that the Supreme Court had accepted New Hampshire’s and Maine’s agreement that “Middle of the River” means middle of the main navigable channel, and that the decree was meant to the “final resolution of the controversy both as to facts and law.””