The NHBA Ethics Committee produces two types of work product. Opinions of the Committee (below) analyze and apply the Rules to specific situational inquiries submitted to the Committee. Ethics Corner Articles analyze and apply the Rules to issues or situations determined by the Committee to be of general interest to the Bar. Both receive equal consideration, are the work product of the Committee rather than its individual members, and are received and reviewed by the Board of Governors of the Bar Association.
#2006-07/02 Identification of Inactive Bar Membership Status
Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #2006-07/02 By the NHBA Ethics Committee October 2006 ABSTRACT: An attorney who is admitted to practice law
#2005-06/06 Ethics Regarding Business Networking
Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #2005-06/06 By the NHBA Ethics Committee October 2006 ABSTRACT: The participation by a lawyer in a networking
#2005-06/04 Attorney Acting as Town Manager and Town Counsel
Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #2005-06/04 By the NHBA Ethics Committee This opinion was submitted for publication to the NHBA Board of
#2005-06/03 Obligation to Provide Electronic Material
Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #2005-06/03 By the NHBA Ethics Committee January 2006 ABSTRACT: Lawyers are obligated to transfer the client’s complete
#2004-05/01 Non-Recourse Lawsuit Financing
Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #2004-05/01 By the NHBA Ethics Committee This opinion was submitted for publication to the NHBA Board of
#2000-01/05 Release Of Billing Statement To Third Party Auditors
Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #2000-01/05 By the NHBA Ethics Committee This opinion was submitted for publication to the NHBA Board of

A Note About Ethics Materials from the NH Bar Association Ethics Committee
Care should be exercised in determining which version of a given Rule applies as of a given date, and the extent to which the interpretation of a given opinion or article will apply to such version. Many interpretations of New Hampshire ethics law (including many ethics opinions, practical ethics articles, and ethics corner articles issued by the NHBA Ethics Committee) have been published under the prior version of the Rules of Professional Conduct or predecessor rules. Read more.
General Ethics Guidance
Brief Bar News articles by the Ethics Committee examine frequently asked questions on ethics. View Ethics Corner Articles.
Can’t Find an NHBA Ethics Opinion on Point?
The Ethics Committee provides several services for members of the Bar. New Hampshire lawyers may contact the Committee for confidential and informal guidance on their own prospective conduct or suggest topics for Ethics Corner.
Members are encouraged to ask the NHBA Ethics Committee questions pertaining to New Hampshire practice. Inquiries and requests for opinions should be directed to the Ethics Committee staff liaison,
NH Rules of Professional Conduct
The Rules of Professional Conduct constitute the disciplinary standard for New Hampshire lawyers. Together with law and other regulations governing lawyers, the Rules establish the boundaries of permissible and impermissible lawyer conduct. View the rules.