SOLACE: How the NH Legal Community Supports Each Other in Times of Need
NHBA members pride themselves on the Bar’s collegiality and generosity. SOLACE (Support to Lawyers / Legal Personnel All Concern Encouraged) embodies these very attributes.
If you learn of a member of the New Hampshire legal community who has suffered a significant loss, illness or injury and who needs immediate assistance, reach out to SOLACE and help make a difference. We interpret “legal community” very broadly, to include
- lawyers
- judges
- courthouse employees
- law firm employees, and/or
- family members of any of the above

Types of assistance sought can be a need for clothes due to a fire, for blood due to an injury or illness, for transportation or lodging during a hospital stay in a city away from home, or other unique or unusual needs.
Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
How SOLACE works:
You can start the process by filling out the form below. Your request will be evaluated by the SOLACE Program Chair. If the request meets the program’s criteria, we’ll contact the affected individual/family for permission to send out an e-mail on their behalf to NHBA members. No e-mails are sent out unless and until such permission is received. Also, members using SOLACE may request, and be assured of, anonymity for any requests for, or offers of, help.
By establishing an email-based network through which Bar members may ask for help when experiencing a hardship – or volunteer to assist others facing difficult, and sometimes dire, situations – NHBA members can provide needed support and resources in an organized and meaningful way.