You Can Strengthen Justice in New Hampshire

The New Hampshire Bar Foundation is poised to respond to current and emerging civil legal needs. NH Bar Foundation grants support nonprofit legal service organizations serving New Hampshire residents who are striving to overcome poverty, abuse, and discrimination.

Maximizing Your IOLTA Account
Your IOLTA dollars make a big impact when your IOLTA account is held at a Leadership financial institution.

In addition to the strong support we receive from the legal community and financial institutions, the NH Bar Foundation also receives and welcomes support from corporations, foundations, individuals, and families.

Event Sponsorships support the Bar Foundation and provide information about your firm or business to potential clients. For more information, contact us.

Ways To Give

The Annual Fund is an unrestricted, general support fund that preserves Bar Foundation services and provides funding for a range of new and innovative programs that envision new ways to create equal justice for all.

NHBA Justice Society represent donors who have united to increase the effectiveness and ensure the future of their philanthropy. The Justice Funds are comprised of permanent, yet flexible, endowed funds that offer donors the opportunity to:

  • Create a fund to which others may contribute in your honor
  • Address ongoing and emerging civil legal issues
  • Benefit specific types of legal services or educational programs
  • Provide funding to help particular groups of people (elderly, children, domestic violence victims, etc.)

These endowed funds are held by the NH Charitable Foundation and pooled for investment purposes to generate maximum interest. Distributions from these funds are awarded by the Bar Foundation through the competitive Justice Grant application process to nonprofit organizations, every two years. Major Gifts offer an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy through the Bar Foundation. Justice Funds are created through Major Gifts and may be restricted to donor-specified objectives or be broader in scope allowing for a range of worthwhile programs to be considered for funding. Named funds may be established with $10,000 or more. Please email or call the New Hampshire Bar Foundation at 603-715-3210 to learn more about establishing a fund.

Donations may be made to Justice Society Funds at any time throughout the year.

Current Justice Funds

Planned charitable giving may be done during your lifetime or through your will. Securities, Trusts, Real Estate, Retirement Plans, and Life Insurance are a few of the assets that offer attractive options for many donors. The tax benefits depend on the vehicle used. We would be pleased to discuss the options with you.
The Bar Foundation encourages organizations, firms, individuals, and families to remember a colleague, family member or friend by making a memorial gift to our endowment. Gifts may be made in recognition of special occasions such as birthdays, marriages, anniversaries, graduations, passing the Bar exam, making partner, appointment to the bench, retirement, or other celebrations.
The cy pres doctrine is a court approved method of distributing a damage fund when the original purpose cannot be achieved. The recent legal trend relies on both the doctrine of cy pres and the court’s broad equitable powers to allow flexibility in the distribution of class action residual funds, and permit the use of funds for broad public interest purposes by educational, charitable, and other public service organizations. Cy pres awards designated to the Bar Foundation’s endowment are one of the best means available to provide civil legal assistance to those who need it the most.